Sunday, April 29, 2012

National Novel Writing Month - Nanowrimo

National Novel Writing Month - Nanowrimo

National Novel Writing Month - Nanowrimo


Want to write.

Write. Write in the month of November along with number of writers.

Collected Knols

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    Blogs and Web Sites on IIT JEE

    Dr.Sharad Awasthi on Physics preparation
    4th April 2007
    Original Knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 3676

    Learning for IIT JEE Series Blogs

    Blogs To Support Your IIT Preparation

    Learning for IIT JEE 2011 - Study Plan

    Has study plan for various months

    • Materials for Revision of the subject 
    • Based on Dr. Jauhar's Book

    • IIT Mathematics
    • Materials for revision of concepts and formulas
    • Based on R.D. Sharma's Book

    • IIT Physics
    Materials for Revision concepts and formulas
    Based on Dr. H.C. Verma's Book
    Original Knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 3674

    Blogs and Web Sites on IIT JEE Preparation

    Original Knol - 2utb2lsm2k7a/ 3675

    Saturday, November 26, 2011

    Notes on Preface to I'm Ok - You're Ok by Thomas Harris

    There are times when practitioners, users and theoreticians are dissatisfied with their subject content. New paradigms arise out of such discontent in a field.

    Thomas Harris says in the preface, that he was one the psychiatrists who are impatient with their subject. Harris advocates that transaction is an answer. It provides answers to questions about how mind operates, why people do what they do and how they can be helped to stop doing, if they wish. This analysis informs the patient that he is responsible for his choices now and the results in the future, no matter what happened in the past. Thus it facilitates people to have self-control and self-direction through the freedom of choice.

    Eric Berne's paper "Transactional Analysis: A New and Effective Method of Group Therapy" presented in 1957 at the Western Regional Meeting of the American Group Psychotherapy Association of Los Angeles is the foundation for this approach to psychiatry.

    An interesting observation of Herman Melville
    "A man of true science uses but few hard words, and those only when none other will answer his purpose: whereas the smatterer in science...thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things'.

    Transactional analysis is a teaching and learning device.

    "The problems of the world-and they are chronicled daily in headlines of violence and despair - essentially are the problems of individuals. If individuals can change, the course of the world can change. This is a hope worth sustaining." (Thomas Harris)

    Notes on Ch 1. Freud, Penfield, Berne

    Man can aspire to and achieve goodness thought many throught the history.
    Goodness of course was defined differently by different people. Moses saw it as justice, Plato saw it as wisdom and Jesus saw it as love. But all them found that there was something in human nature that at war with that goodness in inherent in human nature. What is that something that is hindering or masking the goodness in humans?

    Freud contributed to the understanding of the subject by developing the theory that warring factions existed in the unconscious. Superego was the restraining force and id is the instinctual drive and ego is defined as a referee operating with enlightened self-interest.

    Experiment of Penfield

    Dr. wilder Penfield, a neurosurgeon from McGill University in Montreal in 1951 developed the idea that when certain parts of brain (actually temporal cortex of the brain) is stimulated by a weak electric current through a galvanic probe, certain memories appeared in a flash unconsciously. When point 19 is touched certain memories came out and when point 16 is touched certain other memories came out of the experimental subject.

    The conclusion made was that past events along with the feelings associated with that event were recorded in the brain and those two are inextricably locked together and they are evoked simultaneously. Recollections are evoked by stimuli of day-to-day experience in much the same way they were evoked artificially by Penfield's probe. The subject may be able to recall consciously, but still the record continues.

    "Another conclusion we may make from these findings is that the brain functions as a high-fidelity recorder, putting on tape, as it were, every experience from the time of birth, possibly even before birth." But the process of information storage in the brain has undoubtedly chemical process also.

    It is important to note that temporal cortex is obviously utilized in the interpretation of current experience.

    Berne's contribution - A basic unit for psychological observation for interaction

    Eric Berne has defined the basic unit for observation of interaction of a person with another person. It is called the transaction wherein "I do something and you do something back".

    Berne developed his theory further. Parent, Adult and Child are important concepts in the theory of transactional analysis. (Theory is composed of number of theorems or theoretical propositions which answer the questions how, why, and when regarding a phenomenon - In this case the phenomenon is human behavior).

    In the next, the concepts of Parent, Adult and Child are explained.

    Notes on Ch.2 Parent, Adult, and Child

    Cultural observation has supported the assumption that three states exist in all people.

    Berne has given them the names, Parent, Adult and Child. Berne states that three concepts are psychological realities, phenomenological realities. These three states are produced by the playback of recorded data of events in the past, involving real people, real times, real places, real decisions, and real feelings.


    Parent is a huge collection of recording in the brain of unquestioned or imposed external events perceived by a person in his early years. This can happen up to five years of life. Parent data or recording comes from more sources than physical parents alone. A three-year old watching television shows records what she or he sees. Parent data is full of taught concepts in life.


    The responses of the little person to what he sees and hears are recorded in the brain of the people and these are associated with child concept of state. It is the feeling and understanding that a person develops by seeing and hearing various events. Especially the feelings that come when a person is helpless is part of Child state recordings. When a person is in the grip of feelings, we say his child has taken over.

    The feelings that a child get are positive as well as negative. There are feelings related to creativity, curiosity, desire to explore and know, the urge to touch and feel, the pleasure of discovering new things and experiences.

    Do the recordings of parent and child states continue indefinitely? Do they stop at around age five? Almost all the possible situations in life are encountered by the time five years age is reached and any further recoding will be only reinforcement by further experience or by expression of the state. The author refers Aristotle and says expression, leads to further impression.

    The Adult

    At around 10 months, the child starts moving on his own. The mobility allows and starts giving an opportunity for the infant to put into practice his feeling of touching an object. He develops a freedom of choice. The adult state is recording based on experience. It not taught concept, it is not felt concept to what is seen and heard but it is concept based on experience. The adult state recordings are the result of data processing that comes from recordings in the three states - Parent, Child and Adult.

    Probability estimating is also part of Adult state activity.

    Another point made in the chapter is that creativity requires computer time of the brain.